I wanna travel and get fat from eating mouth watering foods. I wanna go on a road trip, driving for miles and miles,

seeing things I've never seen before, listening to my favorite songs, creating memories. I wanna watch

amazing concerts and sing my heart out. I wanna help people. I wanna be happy.


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After 15 years of waiting, the day has finally come. College graduation finally happened! I am full of mixed emotions right now. I feel happy because my dreams are starting to get real and my parents are really proud of me. I feel sentimental because I will miss everything about it. I will miss many people; my friends, classmates and professors. In spite of excitement and relief I can't help but to feel anxious and worried. I am worried about my future. I'll be climbing the corporate ladder soon and that scares me.

Anyway, I would like thank the people who accompanied and helped me on this great journey. It's been an incredible ride. I learned a lot of things in my four years of stay in De La Salle Lipa. I can say that I am ready to seize the real world. Thank you Alma Mater for helping me to become the person who I am today; strong and independent. 

For my professors, classmates and friends, thank you! Thank you for always reminding me to work hard. 

For my parents, thank you for your unconditional love and support. You have always been there for me through my ups and downs. 

Lastly, thank you God. I couldn't have done it without You. Thank you for all the blessings. I will never get tired of giving you thanks. All the glory are Yours. 

Animo La Salle!
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